CPIC Check (Name-based check)
CPIC Check (Name-based criminal record check):
This type of criminal check uses names and dates of birth to check a person’s criminal history. Because it doesn’t use fingerprints, the CPIC check is the fastest criminal background check in Canada. However, the CPIC check is not acceptable for all requirements.
Name-based checks have weaknesses in verifying a person’s identity due to some common names, differences in spelling… When name-based criminal record checks do not provide a definite way of confirming a person’s identity, you may be asked to provide fingerprints.It may delay in the process of obtaining your background check.
Required documents: We need two (02) pieces of identification – at least one must be government-issued and include the applicant’s name, date of birth, signature and photograph, while the other can be without photo.
Only original IDs are accepted.
If you receive any request letter/ email/ instructions from the organization that required your fingerprints/background check, please provide them along the IDs.
Please click here to see the list of Acceptable Identifications.